
But that is not what ships are for

June 6, 2023
A view from a window of the busy Heathrow airport with people hustling and bustling

Oh hey there!!!! I am currently writing this sitting at Heathrow airport, waiting for my flight to Dublin. I am in 4 hours of sleep so let’s see how this goes. To my copywriter friends, I apologize.

when I got to the airport in Toronto, security was very quick and easy but then the door to my gate was closed and everyone was super confused on where to go?! Never had that happen before. Also side note travelling alone is weird bc you have to bring everything with you to pee or get food. Very inconvenient. But luckily my alpaca giant backpack passed as a carryon!!! Hurray!!! That was my main concern and that they would force me to check it.

Maybe my luck is turning around because I had an empty seat on my flight, and it was very helpful to use the extra room I managed to get 4 hours of sleep and I really enjoyed when the night lights went on and the plane went to sleep - so calming and a fun blue colour.

Here were my airport/plane thoughts:

  • Who in the heck is buying thousand dollar Gucci bags at the airport?!? I really don’t understand the market opportunity here
  • I want to talk to a pilot bc I have a lot of questions: do you get bored while flying? What is the cockpit like is it fun and everyone’s joking around? Do you usually fly the same flight over and over? Do you have a preferred airline or what is the drama of airlines? What is the craziest thing that’s happened on a flight you piloted? If anyone has these answers please email me
  • Who designs the in flight entertainment
  • The inflight movies were showing what is coming soon to the options??? How is this helpful… let me just book another flight to watch this movie in a couple months
  • I kinda feel alike a snail - just me with my big shell of a backpack
  • I wish I had fruit I really want a banana
  • Why are there no street performers at airports??? I think that would be fun

There were probably more but wow my brain isn’t holding up right now. Anyways when I landed the trippiest part for my brain to wrap my head around was the fact that people now have accents. Was quite a shock.

I did almost start to panic on the plane about how I am not coming home for a very long time. I am now in a new country and all I’ve got is what I have on me. Was quite weird to think about.

These last few weeks have been really hard to be honest. Seeing friends, moving out… it’s been very emotional. It’s also been very scary. I haven’t really had a lot of excitement feelings mostly fear. I want to thank all of you though who have helped me, who have supported me and who have been excited for me when I needed it. My people really mean a lot to me and I am so thankful.

There was a day the other week when I was really scared and I went for a walk - there was a board with chalk that had a quote that really is helping and is quite fitting: a ship is always safe in the harbour, but that is not what ships are for.

So I will go and adventure and do the hard thing, because I don’t feel I was meant to stay in one place.

I did see a snail this morning!!!! So I am hoping that’s a good sign. This post is a mess I am so sorry and I can’t promise the blog will get bett r.

I think I'm getting a headache I feel like I’ve been on a boat and I’m still riding the waves. Also these aggressive ads in the airport aren’t really helping, lots of animation. I wonder how it was like back in the day when there wasn’t advertising like this at the airport. I bet people felt more calm.

Some images

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