
Cork is underrated in Ireland

June 12, 2023
A market space room with fairy lights lining the ceiling and fun couches across the room

Okay dokey y’all I’m really blogging for you. So next day was a big travel adventure day!! Onto next town of Cork!!!

We woke up, checked out and headed out. We hit up a ruin along the way and Inch beach which IRELAND HAS BEAUTIFUL BEACHES!! Who knew!! It was crazy beautiful I could’ve spent all day. Then we hit up Killarney for a cute lil lunch before heading to Killarney National Park. I feel my major thing about Ireland is they need more stickers … I would’ve thought Killarney National Park would have a cute park sticker like Canada!! Nope!! Anyways the park was nice we saw a waterfall, a beautiful Abbey with a tree in the courtyard and a couple getting wedding pics. The Abbey was funny because the doors were all the PERFECT size for me. that was odd!! Then we headed out and along the coast to Cork!! We hit up a pretty lookout and then it was getting late but J really was a champ and drove to this kinda out of the way spot!! And we got there and guess what!! It closed!!! So sorry J!! I peed behind a sign and mooned the spot so fun. A lil tip for others - check when things close (not just the LOOKOUT, the visitor centre where you need to get ticket) and also if you show up and it’s 100% overnight camper vans, a sign it’s closed!!!

J then drove to Cork and we did a McDonald’s dinner which I haven’t had in awhile!!! We made it to the Airbnb and hot damn it’s cute!! Very modern!!! Love it. A renovated farm house.

Brings us to today!! It was an explore Cork day and boy DO WE LOVE CORK!!! It’s a very cute artsy vibe city. I really wanted to explore the English Market (very st Lawrence market vibes for the Toronto friends)! It was cute and we got yummy fresh poke bowls! Then we went looking and hit up a cute vintage store. I found a great silk scarf I’ve been wanting and the person working had such fun CHAIR EARINGS yes you read it right and she mentioned a market where she got them. So that was added to the list!! We went there and wowowow SO CUTE!! there was a vintage stand and you guys they had vintage Carhart jackets that are repurposed for 80 euro!!! J found the PERFECT one. They also had really cute sweaters and shirts. I got a lil something for my boy!! Incredible value considering the carhart would go for 300 easy in Toronto. but it fit J so well and looked incredible.

We then ventured to the Lululemon bc Grum wanted a shirt. People really dress well and are young here. Also more diverse than other places. Food is also diverse the market had great choices.

At the Lululemon, we met this man who worked there who was Canadian and was HYPE to talk to other Canadians!! He was so so nice!!! From Vancouver, and we chatted for awhile!! Lovely conversation we had with him about his schooling, his time in Ireland, his girlfriends PhD!! Glad we met him so so kind.

We went back to market for dinner but the place we wanted to eat at was closed :( so we ventured to a different restaurant and none of us were hungry but we ate!!!

Back at home I tried on the scarf!! And then MY FRIENDS AT WORK WERE HANGING OUT!! So I FaceTimed Keven and forced him to be my camera stand for a bit :) I miss them all so much (shout-out to y’all for being so cute and hanging out). We did some laundry and hung out and then I called the lovely Niya to chat with her!! So good to catch up, miss that lovely lady.

That’s about it y’all. Can’t believe I have one more day?? In Ireland? It has flown

Some images

A vast sandy beach
A church building with flowers in the foreground
A large tree in the centre of a space lined with cooridors
A running waterfall
A laneway with an entrance at the end that reads The English Market - Cork
A fun building painted with random colourful shapes with a sign that says Nine Crow Vintage
No items found.