oh hayyyyy we are coming in with something a bit different for you all…. because i feel like i need some variety in what i write about. so lets see if this is something that will work?? and yes the Turkey blog is still coming... sorry for jumping around.
welcome to a ~ favourites ~ edition of this blog. i guess i will make it thailand themed? this is already all over the place. but if any of you find yourself in thailand here are some things you may wanna check out!!! and send me some of your faves if you have some to add to the list!! lets keep this snappy though oops.
my favourite PG drink: coconut water

I will forever miss the ability to get a fresh coconut to drink from just walking down the street. it was truly a delight and i will cherish those memories.
my favourite non-PG drink: soju yogurt/yakult flavoured

If you are from my beloved work crew, you already know. but Ian and I did try I thinnnnkkk all of the flavours we could find and this one takes the cake. something about it. I highly recommend trying it!!! we were only able to find it at 7/11 (not the grocery stores) but was worth it.
my favourite bubble tea spot: Kamu

Honestly we would go here at least once a day. The tapioca was fire, and one day i even tried their peach popping boba and it was great as well if you are looking for something more fruity. people were so kind and milk tea was delicious. will miss you <3
my favourite chocolate snack: chocorooms

First of all, how cute. Second of all, they were very good - a perfect mix of chocolate and crunchy cracker. Highly recommend.
my favourite snack: mangos

I was going to label this "favourite fruit" but honestly this was the only fruit we really ate the whole time. Niya, if you are reading this, you are right and mangoes in North America may never be the same for me. The best mango we had was on the beach of Koh Samui.
my favourite chips: Hot Chilli (ridge cut)

When we first arrived, we really tried different flavours of chips and got excited but these became a favourite real quick. Always needed these on hand. Not too spicy but good flavour.
my favourite candy: Hi-Chew

I definitely feel like this may be a basic opinion buuut through my trying of different types, and trying to find sour candies, these were a classic and ended up being my champion. Can finish a whole pack in one sitting.
my favourite meal: Thai Green Curry

We had a lot of amazing food, but I think my favourite, that I kept reordering was the classic green curry. I foolishly didn't get a photo of the green curry iTSELF but please enjoy this image of me slurping it up.
that's all folks!! did anyone ask for this? no. but i thought it would be fun to document!!!