
Prancing at PinkPop

June 19, 2023
The crowd at PinkPop festival in front of a stage

Y’all I am not the best blogger ahahah but hi again!! The blog is not yet live so these are just living in my drafts!!

Not sure where I left off last. J, Grum and I went back to Dublin. Had a delicious meal at a Bao place (if anyone is going to Ireland/Dublin you need to go here, lmk). And then we went to check in to their AirBNB as I was flying out early morning times!! Their new AirBNB was so so cute!! A little cottage run by a sweet lady!! Then we hung out there for a few hours - I panicked about the size of my backpack and prepared for the worst, ensuring if they make me check it I would have what I needed. It all managed to fit and then I was ready!! Grum and J very kindly drove 40 mins to drop me off and y’all the departures area was a chaotic mess so I hopped out said a sad goodbye to them and went into the airport. I was just 4 hours early so turns out they weren’t even open!! So I called Dawn and Dad and sat on the ground!! Finally I managed to check in and they didn’t even look at my bag ahaha didn’t care at all. Security was incredible - had those fancy machines you don’t need to take anything out, so easy and simple. Saved a lot of stress. Then I found a yogurt snack and went to the gate. It was FAR!!! I did some work and then boarded easy easy. I was able to sleep on the plane but I woke up and damn didn’t really know where I was. The passport visa line was INSANELY long and I think I just blacked out. It took an hour and I just couldn’t tell you what I was thinking. It was so early. I then managed to find the train station bc it was a big TRAIN DAY!!! I missed my first train, so consequently the other one, bc of the long line. But don’t worry!! Europe is incredible and I figured out the stations. I was also confused (and still am) which country I am in bc it’s so easy to move between then. I flew into Belgium. And I was then in Germany. ANWYAS I figured out best way to train to the Smol town I was meeting my boy and Billy in and GUESS WHAT!!! IAN AND I MET ON THE LAST TRAIN!! It was a wild reunion ahahah very chaotic on my end but what a lovely surprise!!! My brain could NOT understand especially after 1 hour of sleep and country hopping. Anyways missed him. So much. But also felt like no time has passed. We made our way to the Airbnb and it was HOT. I think I got mild heat stroke … I showered. And then billy arrived!!! So fun!! The gang is all together. I then took a nap and they grocery shopped for dinner. I woke up and damn was OUT of it but had fun catching up and cooking Carbonara. Things went awry, but it was good!! We all went to sleep bc tomorrow it is PINKPOP festival time!!

Damn PINKPOP festival day was FUN!! We met a couple from Newfoundland on our bus and it was so nice to chat with them!! It was a hot day y’all. But we made it and figured out the stages and locker situation. We got a drink and then headed to Frena who Billy had heard of but Ian and I didn’t!! HE WAS SO FUN!! The Latin inspiration of his music was very nice and I loved that he had a saxophone guy with him!! He also seemed to enjoy himself which I think translates to his great performance!!

After that we went to Maisie Peters!! Very excited to see her live - I’ve been listening to her music. She was awesome!! Kinda Taylor Swift-esque. She played guitar, and also engaged with the audience well. I danced so much and was hype. She played one of my fave songs. And she had a new album coming out!! Excited.

After that is was Ellie Goulding time!! And … she didn’t seem to be enjoying herself… not sure what was going on but the audio seemed a bit off and I wonder if she was frustrated bc of that? Anyways some fun songs to dance to!!

A quick side note I am surprised by how few people were dancing? Mind you we weren’t in the front front but overall didn’t seem very dancy. The vibes were cool tho wide age range which I enjoy :)

After Ellie we decided to head into the small town as we had a 2 hour gap before next people we wanted to see. We grabbed some snacks and ate in a park before heading back. People are so sweet :)

Ian then headed to see The Hu (so cool definitely check them out!!) and Billy and I went to see my beloved, The Lumineers. We got a nice space in the middle and wow they are great performers. The vibes. The chaotic piano player. The violin, the simple sound of the piano and the lead singers voice!! So good!! He even came into the audience which how FUN!! I was dancing and singing to my hearts content and we met a group from Rotterdam in front of us :) so kind they made sure I had a good view of the stage!! The Lumineers also brought out Niall Horan (who was performing his own set here) and they sang one of my fave songs Gun Song together. Niall you killed it, didn’t know you could sing folkish. He also said The Lumineers were his fave band which makes my heart happy bc how cool would that be to perform with your favourite band :( so sweet.

We met up with Ian and laid in the grass for a much needed break before Pink was performing. It was a beautiful day :) the Hu was apparently a great performance (they were at same time as Lumineers but wish I could’ve seen them :() and Ian got to go into mosh pit!!!

We then found a spot for Pink but at this point it was PACKED!! Anyways Pink was INCREDIBLE!! She put on a show!! There was aerial work and silks and trampolines!! Again I was living my best life singing to her songs <3 she is awesome and I love her attitude. 10/10. Glad I got to see her live.

After this you could imagine getting out of there was a mess. We walked awhile to try to get an Uber but damn they realllly fenced us in and Ubers weren’t really working. So next plan was to walk to get train and try to hitchhike along the way. We walked for an Hour and then found bikes!! But prank couldn’t get those, so billy was able to find a cab who was close and would take us back to Germany. He was a nice guy and we were all relieved to be home!! What a day. My feet hurt from dancing!!

The next day was just a chilllllll work day. Very relaxing and we played some cards on the patio. We then went on a walk to grocery store!! Some beautiful fields we saw. We made carbonara again and it went a loooot better. Much creamier (added enough pasta water I think this time).

Next day was a travel day and Ian and I were splitting for a couple days going to a small town in north Germany!!!

Some images

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