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In The Mood Magazine

Kay joined the team as Creative Director and led the migration of the magazine from WordPress to Webflow. She gave the brand a simplified look and created new social media templates to match the team's needs. The magazine has some unique requirements, like custom branding and covers for each issue, along with a streamlined CMS setup to make uploading content easier for the editors. Kay works on the magazine with Editor-in-Chief Gabrielle Marceau and Managing Editor Sennah Yee. Logo is created by Marcela Huerta and brand illustrations are done by Aidan Jeans.


Adobe Suite
In The Mood Magazine's modern layout screencapture with a decorative flower behind
Branding of the tenth issue across the cover, table of contents, and article pages.
A collage of the new branding of In The Mood magazine, with the new logos, new fonts and the main colour scheme: blue, bright red, a red white and blue white.
The new branding across various mobile and desktop screens of the website.
A select few Instagram templates with new branding for submission calls and launch party details.
Some of the various magazine covers of previous issues, all with distinct theme brandings.
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Kay is excited to help bring your dream project to life! She’s also available for consulting, ready to collaborate and help you make the most of Webflow.